Total Medals Earned: 1,188 (From 188 different games.) Total Medal Score: 18,815 Points
Medals Earned: 4/9 (105/405 points)
Finish the Tutorial
Defeat the Wicked Obstacle Course!
Save yourself from falling ten times
Earn all Platinums on Easy
Fall a long time for your ancestors
Slide a HELLA long time!
Meet all the previous contestants
Earn all Platinums on Medium
Earn all Platinums on Hard
Medals Earned: 1/5 (10/190 points)
Score 5,000 points in one game.
Score 10,000 points in one game.
Score 20,000 points in one game.
Score 30,000 points in one game.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 1/3 (50/105 points)
Beat the game
Start already!
Win the game a certain amount of score.
Medals Earned: 6/22 (35/140 points)
Detonate a remote bomb in flight.
Destroy 10 castles with only log ammo.
Kill a Princess or a Queen first on any level.
Hit and kill an enemy directly with a log.
Kill the king first on any level.
Destroy 100 barrels.
Freeze 3 enemies in one shot.
Melt 100 castle pieces.
Explode 100 castles pieces.
Hit and enemy directly with a parachute bomb.
Electrocute 5 enemies in one shot.
Cover an enemy in acid.
Freeze 100 castle pieces.
Kill the Jester last on any level.
Burn 5 enemies in one shot.
Burn 100 castle pieces.
Throw after the trebuchet has reached it's return point.
Kill and enemy with a remove bomb without detonating it.
Crush all castles
Get gold medals on all castles.
Medals Earned: 1/4 (5/90 points)
Reach sector 5
Collect 2000 crystals overall
Get to Sector 15
Collect 3000 crystals in one run
Medals Earned: 12/20 (210/630 points)
Fiddle with the settings
Use all of main Character's attacks
Get a 10 hit Combo
Complete Normal Mode
Use all Vandier's attacks
Get a 20 hit Combo
Force 5 enemies to fall to death
Keep Full Speical for 30 seconds
Collect 100 orbs
Force 10 enemies to fall to death
Get a 50 hit Combo
Die to the hands of the Lone Warrior
Kill all eneimies
Complete Hard Mode
Die to the hands of Vandheer Lorde
Keep Full Speical for 60 seconds
Complete Culmination in 8 minutes
Collect all Awards
Get a 60 hit Combo
Complete Culmination without dying
Medals Earned: 12/100 (60/500 points)
Start a new game.
Zoom zoom, in your boom boom!
Get everything!
Man this would look nice on your wall!
Get a walkthrough at
Play with highscores at
other stuff...
You ticket to medals!
Medals Earned: 3/10 (30/200 points)
Destroy a Block
Kill a Critter
Complete any stage.
Collect a Weapon Box.
Destroy a Cupcake
Destroy a Cute Cloud
Destroy the Happy Sun
Destroy Newgrounds!
Medals Earned: 8/14 (230/415 points)
Master the Fire Flip.
View the intro movie.
Get your chainsaw on!
Drink the mystery potion.
Fix the rodent problem in the Boiler Room.
Defeat the class president.
Shut down the UberBot.
Beat the game.
View the COMBOS page.
Visit the links page.
Find all 6 secret areas.
Light Zit Boy's Cigarette.
Light up 10 enemies with the FireBreath attack.
Beat the game without dying.
Medals Earned: 13/13 (155/155 points)