Total Medals Earned: 1,188 (From 188 different games.) Total Medal Score: 18,815 Points
Medals Earned: 1/6 (10/170 points)
90% Kill and 90% Gold Level 1 Easy
90% Kill and 90% Gold Level 2 Easy
100% Kill and 100% Gold Level 1 Hard
90% Kill and 90% Gold Level 3 Easy
100% Kill and 100% Gold Level 2 Hard
100% Kill and 100% Gold Level 3 Hard
Medals Earned: 6/12 (50/110 points)
Eat your first cookie
Kill 10 enemies
Have over 50 lives
Kill 25 enemies
Defeat the boss
Complete the game
No deaths from spikes
Dont drop the bomb
Eat all the food in the game
Complete game under 5 min
Kill all of the enemies
Keep your lives under 15
Medals Earned: 6/19 (45/395 points)
Free the planet Marcury from the Euphony gods.
Free the planet Sars from the Euphony gods
Reach a max overcharge combo.
Free the planet Jupitupe from the Euphony gods.
Free the planet Narpdarp from the Euphony gods.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Deal at least 9000 damage in a single attack.
Visit our sponsor by clicking on one of the in-game links.
Free the planet Satamalat from the Euphony gods.
Unlock the Audyssey Jukebox
Reach the maximum level.
Free the planet Penos from the Euphony gods.
Free the planet Plutoo from the Euphony gods.
Free your home planet, Qweezleqwozzle, from the Euphony gods.
Free the Malky Way from the Euphony gods.
Achieve 12 gold runs (beating a stage with no lives lost).
Beat every stage in the game (including credits).
Get a gold run on every single stage in the game (including credits).
Medals Earned: 9/50 (50/500 points)
Medals Earned: 8/8 (500/500 points)
Get a perfect launch 10 times.
Squash 100 police officers.
Escape Candy Land and return to the Supermarket.
Go through the arena without touching the ground.
Reach past the sky's limit!
Upgrade everything to the max!
Get at least 1 of each special gummy in a single run.
Attain a very high speed.
Medals Earned: 1/3 (10/160 points)
Destroy the butcher's pituitary gland!
Destroy the butcher's temporal lobe!
Destroy the butcher's frontal lobe, resulting in total loss of motor control!
Medals Earned: 7/9 (205/355 points)
Level up to the max level
Beat the game
Defeat Tom's Backup Plan
Beat the game without a helper
Beat the game without dying
Beat the game in under 5 minutes
Get the max attack combo chain
Get 12 red coins in one game
Beat the game without getting hit
Medals Earned: 7/10 (155/315 points)
Defeat Luis' 1st form.
Defeat Luis' 2nd form.
Find the 2nd alternate ending.
Find the 1st alternate ending.
Defeat Luis' 3rd form.
Escape the cave.
Die before beating Luis.
Beat the game in under 200 seconds.
Complete all other achievements!
Medals Earned: 11/20 (125/500 points)
Burn someone to a crisp
Kill someone with a dropped weapon
Complete all campaign challenges in Zone 1
Make 5 KO's with rage attacks in one match
Collect 20 crates in one match
Complete all campaign challenges in Zone 2
Hit someone with a full-powered wind-up punch
Get a 3x multikill
Go offscreen and recover
Complete all campaign challenges in the game
Don't lose any lives in a campaign challenge
Get a 4x multikill
Make an awesome level in the Level Editor and play a match on it
Play 10 deathmatch games
Get a 5x multikill
Knock someone into space
Complete a campaign challenge without harming anyone
Get a score of 10,000 or higher in Survival mode
Hold the plunger for 15 seconds in a row
Knock someone into the stratosphere
Medals Earned: 6/8 (80/155 points)
Beat Island Beast
Get all 4 spells
Beat Canyon Beast
Defeat Demon Beast
Defeat all 3 knights
Beat game without getting the axe and without getting any spells
Level up everything to level 8