Total Medals Earned: 1,188 (From 188 different games.) Total Medal Score: 18,815 Points
Medals Earned: 1/8 (5/225 points)
Score less than 20,000 points
Submit your score
Play the game at least 10 times in one go.
Get a combo of 5 or more
See all 7 score message in one go.
Gain over 120,000 points!
Receive all medals on NewGrounds
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 1/3 (10/40 points)
Get pwned by the game!
Find the first secret area!
Finish the game!
Medals Earned: 3/4 (225/250 points)
Beat the first level.
Complete the first level without firing a shot.
Beat the game.
Kill the boss without dying.
Medals Earned: 3/10 (45/500 points)
Lose a life on the stakes.
Die electrocuted
Achieve 30,000 points
Lose a life on the second level.
Achieve 50,000 points
Finish all 25 levels
Finish level 19 without using the visibility item.
Finish all 25 levels using only your first three lives.
Achieve 75,000 points
Find the invisible medal somewhere in the game
Medals Earned: 17/50 (95/500 points)
Complete the tutorial
Defeat Xenon on Moon 0
Reach the top of the tower
Start playing!
Defeat the Sheriff
Reach halfway through the tower
Defeat Don
Defeat Osha
Enter the tower
Reach floor 38 :)
Bother Yeremey
Finish the game as Albany
Defeat Satan
Defeat 1 enemy
Defeat 38 enemies
Obtain Strawberryclock
Defeat Xenon on Moon 1
Defeat Xenon on Moon 2
Defeat Xenon on Moon 3
Defeat Xenon on Moon 4
Defeat Xenon on Moon 5
Find all the *totally adorbs* outfits :3
Brandish the Tank
Defeat an enemy using salt and pepper
Defeat Xenon on Moon 6
Defeat Xenon on Moon 7
Defeat Camlaidh
Defeat Xenon with your bare hands
Survive death
Die by eating an artichoke
Defeat an enemy using a hammer and a sickle
Defeat an enemy in less than 10 hits
Defeat Xenon on Moon 8
Defeat Xenon on Moon 9
Hover over the reset save button for a bit
Check out the credits
Defeat B. Casual
Collect all items
Finish the game as Ramzi
Collect all weapons
Find Cai's soul
Brandish Sashka
Brandish Chester's finger
Finish the game as Yeremey
Collect all Cibo matto items
Finish the game as Radon
Defeat 138 enemies
Defeat 380 enemies
Admire your complete medal collection!
Medals Earned: 1/7 (5/225 points)
Score 10,000
Score 40,000
Use 10 Special Attacks
Use 20 Special Attacks
Score 60,000
Score 80,000
Medals Earned: 1/4 (5/40 points)
But will she love me now that I can see at all?
You might earn this for winning her affection.
That should have been obvious from the start.
Medals Earned: 4/6 (20/50 points)
Find the girl.
Explode your first bomb.
Get the first light upgrade.
Visit your old house.
Beat the game on Easy
Beat the game on without hints.
Medals Earned: 1/8 (10/365 points)
Find first collectible
Read help
Complete all of the levels in "First Blood"
Collect 17 crown
Complete all of the levels in "Prisoners to Save"
Complete all of the collection!
Completed all of the levels "Rush"
Collect 50 crown
Medals Earned: 1/5 (10/140 points)
Juggle Enemy 10 x in one combo
Use the throw move ten times in the game
Complete at least 10 goals
Master All 5 Kun Fu Powers
Beat the boss! YOU CAN DO IT!