
587 Movie Reviews

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very creative and great comedy

i actually liked this a bit. kinda of hoping for an actual fight but i was still very entertianed from begginning to end.

great work!

Shadowii2 responds:

Yeah, I would expect an action-oriented animation as well after reading the title if it wouldn't have been animated by me.

Anyway, thanks there.

my only question is

how is this cop fight so much better from the others lol.

just because his wife died he is wiling to doi w.e it takes to make jase pay o guess XD

does anyone mind telling me

how his eyes are so reddish...is he tired or is it this "wish" that is doing this


so he didnt die because it wasnt midnight yet!! aah ok.

so wait....when its midnight it goes back to normal again????
or is his "invincibility" just over after midnight?

the 5th one coming soon hopefully before its 2010

cant wait dude! ^_^

that finisher deserve a 10/10

o m....goodness.

the hardest kick to the nuts ever.epic finisher.

good work man you definitely deserve the awards.....damn i feel sorry for that guy.....no more children for him ^_^

not much to say-ending was gold.

i love it.....and the guy slapping the girl part...really made me laugh...like a laugh im not even familiar with....so yeah.

im sorry this is such a sucky review but..you know...you're pretty good at animations and ima leave it at that :).

i hope one day someone makes a flash about teenagers with low self esteem (been the topic at school lately) and turn into some funny shit,yet reaveling a message we can enjoy and remember.

hmm....i might try out making animations for my own little enjoyment ^_^.

it was alright

the letdown was the movie sets with the mike birbiglia album.

the scenes were slightly dull and boring.but it was still a bit funny.

so good job!

this was GOLD!!!!

oh my goodness....i loved every second.

and this is a totally different style of comedy to me and i absolutely LOVED IT!!!!.

this is great.please make more! 10/10 WOO

it was pretty cool

not the best of coruse,like the humor a bit.

a bit cheesy...medicer graphics but overall pretty damn good.
but honestly this isnt exceiting enough to set a series up.

but what i like the most about movies is when they show the true meaning/point/moral of it all and the moral of this movie was pretty good.

so good work

Age 30, Male

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