
587 Movie Reviews

78 w/ Responses

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Ragekitty its about time

you put your good skills to use instead of silly jokes :)
good job.

Hulalaoo responds:


very entertaining

nicely done budd

i love how you set shadow's storyline up

how his first family was killed, then he makes droids that he calls his children and they call their father XD.

genius work.ima look out for the episodes and hopefully part 2 will get even more attention so you can get some recognition for such great work

shadefalcon responds:

Thank you very much dude, I appreciate your whole review. Means a lot.

its a shame

i been watching all the episodes and this seems so good! im jst wondering how u didnt get barley any trophies for such good work.

I know you will get what you deserve soon dude.

shadefalcon responds:

To answer your question. My fans never pop up when I submit a movie, so I always lack votes, thanks for the review though dude.

this is good....this ios really good

keep it up man you got talent. i never seen anyone do anything so creative like this. hoepfully soemone desides to make some cool twists with mario brothers.

you have some good skills man so keep it up.

when i sene the recite with the shit on the tip

dude you ahd me there man i was crying XD.

nice work :)

if only he'd just snapped on his wife's parents

he wouldnt have to suffer :P

good stuff man

a problem with the tree

if she really kicked the ninja through the tree shouldn't that piece of the tree collapse too?

besides that it was pretty good. good job

i like it, just dont fully understand it right now

blues and yellows killing eachother for no reason at all.
while no matter what, the gray buggies live on regardless.
and while the blues and yelslows eat the grey buggies...they multiply...but end up killing themselves or eachother but then transform into the grey buggies itself.

aaah i will get it someday :)

not bad

Ok start for your first flash.
Kept me interested to the end
didn't really notice any antagonist in this put i'm ehh i'm not picky.
though some things you should keep in mind for future work.
You Focused alot on the coloring, more the the animation itself.
Try to add more movement to your characters so they aren't so stiff
it just makes everything seem like pictures.
I would suggest try frame by frame animation
it makes things more fluid and life like (DON'T ABUSE TWEENS THEY MAKE THINGS LOOK HORRIBLE) and that would mean cutting back alittle on the detail that you put so much work into
and also try taking advise from comments that don't just say "omg nice art great animation" ...because that won't help you at all. Also sorry for the blunt response I try to be clear when I want to help....Good luck with future projects.

Age 30, Male

Joined on 3/23/08

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