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i speak for myself when i say this

this animation and comedy was ok.
for the person i am, i dont find it that funny that a (i guess an alien) is critisizing and name calling someone but i thought it was ok =).

SirCannabisClock responds:



i seen many animated fights and im not all impressed by much but...this is true dedication to your work,this is fantastic and i loved every moment of the fight and even the drama.

i'll be waiting for part 2!

ok,nice work

i have seen hundreds of stick animations so im not impressed by much by i see alot of great animations with great potential.

love how you guys fused all types of gengre fighters together like (madness) characters for example.

i hope to see better work from you guys.

P.S-of cource great job

i give u 10 stars becccaaauuuse

because everything about this is pethetic.

no matter what you say or do.

this isnt funny,isnt interertaining.....anything just a waste of my time.

so say what you want and have a messed up day ^_^

SirCannabisClock responds:

cannabis clokc I hate yuo i hope you get hit by a bus fagit

also whbats pethetic mean I don't think you mean pathetic because that would be pathetic that you mean pathetic

i think i get it

tree is nature
dog is god
man i assume is sinner who is lonly in life
radio i think is the bible as he speaks through dog,which is god.

the whole story seem as if he listend and followed every word of DOG.
he made sacrifices and he knew that to have peace he would have to suffer.
through mans suffering the dog was pleased with man and excepted his body to the man.
the man cut off pices of the dog and then his own head
then the man becomes a part of dog,and he is happy :D.

i love this animation so much,even if what i said wasnt the moral or truth of this animation,i see it that way.you have a gift with this and i really hope u make more soon.

god bless dude!

damn that was funny

maybe they gave it a 10 because they actually liked it you D!!!CCKK for brains
funny as hell man keep it up!
im your fan now you make great work


why do people get so offended by WORDS.im black and "n****r" doesnt effect me at all.why do we have to let silly words effect who we are.this world we live in...*sheesh*.anywayz that joke was fuckin holarius thx for this animation =)
P.S-if you are reading this and you are white if i called you a "cracker" which is a word.....would you actually be mentally weak enough to let that effect you?

that was spectaculer...but..im confused

i know red (actually blue lol) deleated black....so what was going on with white...he seemed like he was powering up at the end.

O MY GOODNESS!!!!??!!?!!!!! *crys*

im a little bit of a fan of all your work guys and that was by far the funniest,most entertaining,exiting,action pack flash ever that was beutiful!
funny how they are all fighting then suddenly they work together (when the green wraps his arms around blue i cried laughing).

dkuo responds:

<Brian> what

you have improved

i seen your past work and how so many people criticized it.im happy that you improved your animations and i think this deserves a 10.keep it up,im hoping for even better work =)

Gusc responds:

even I haven't seen my past movie and people criticizing it :D, but thanks! I keep getting sad each week for not being able to get myself to making the third part :(

Age 30, Male

Joined on 3/23/08

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