
587 Movie Reviews

78 w/ Responses

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dude you have talent why dont you put this

out into the world.
u should talk to buisness men that would put your work on TV and u can make millions :).

im sure kids will love this.

wow so much new discoveries

mister main charcter bunny has a female companionand he has secret potential powers now.

wonder if it can get any more depeer >:3.

honestly i wish it was more i can give you with compliments and a little number "10" because obviously you worked your ass off making this just for us to see.

i speak for about 99.99% of everyone here when i say we truley appreciate this.

thanks for everything and keep it up :)

*covers mouth with a tear in eye"

wow lol.

in my opinion batman and his face made everything much more funnier.

i speak for exactly 99.97% for making our day with this...funny as hell man keep it up.

wait is this to be continued?!?!?!?

awesome work you must of worked really hard to create this.

it was really entertaining. great stuff

WOW!?!?!? :D

-sol badguy in the croud in the city
-naruto combo's sasuke-godzilla does same on jesus
-easily to see Bleach

very awesome and random

He's gone...he's gone now >=*(

lol nice one.

1.fred is quite annoying to me.

2.Great punchline on the shooter's face it was easy to see what that meant XD.

i personally loved it,good job!

poor guy

he really tried his best to persuade the serial killer into NOT killing him XD.

i never drunk before and i never will :D

wow i never seen animation like this it was

really entertaining!

good job :)

not the best i seen of catface but very


keep up the good work.

WOW.this song even sounds cool witha beat

i was beatboxing to it and it was awesome.

great stuff

Age 30, Male

Joined on 3/23/08

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148 / 180
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> 100,000
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3.88 votes
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> 100,000
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