
587 Movie Reviews

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Very orginal

Action, bit of comedy, epicness and entertaining. Not much for me to say, as im sure people below spoke for me. Great work man

Pretty Good

What i like best i think was the Main character ninja's Character traits and how you could see his Blunt Yet Kind emotions in battle.

The fighting was set superbly and it was good to watch, Kudos!

Pretty damn funny

Entire time im laughing from how random and chaotic it was. Wtf is wrong with eggman's heart LMAO.

great work guys

That old lady is a G

This was very funny.

I think what makes this type of animation so full of humor is your style of graphics. I find that as a key in bringing out individualism and comedy all at once.

The building part was random but still funny! Great job

well that was silly.

Didn't laugh too hard, wasn't really surprised, but it was still entertaining. Good work

WOW.Really good

What i like mostly about this was the voice affects. You really have outdone yourself with the voices, they said everything at the correct time making it...basically realistic :).

Great work Terkoiz.And im sure Fllffl is a bit tired of killing anyways. He needs to take a break :P

That is true love right there

If you have a girl that would travel the world, stay in a crate, get pushed off a car, trapped in a truck, lost at sea, and willing to be lift by a eagle to see you, she is worth it XD

very....refreshing XD

Never seen anything like this on newgrounds before, great work :)

Rantdog responds:

That's very encouraging.

What an idiot XD

I cant say he deserves it but.....eeh he kind of did deserve that XD.

Very good!

Question: Does the boy clock figure have The word "STRENGTH" in Kanji?

th1rt3en responds:

No, it's pi.

Age 30, Male

Joined on 3/23/08

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